1/3 of our arable lands has been degraded in the last 4O years.

Guaranteed results?

Jurassic tech.

7O% of our freshwater usage goes to agriculture.

7O% of freshwater contamination
comes from agriculture.

Can a snake
save the world?

Good food?

Can this be enough?

Can this be enough?

The FUTURE, today.

The FUTURE, today.

To guarantee our future we must undergo a total revolution and change the rules of the game. That’s how we conceived ONO Exponential Farming. That’s how we’re making it a reality.

To guarantee our future we must undergo a total revolution and change the rules of the game. That’s how we conceived ONO Exponential Farming. That’s how we’re making it a reality.


More than 500million U$D of funding for indoor farming initiatives starting from 2009. By 2030 this funding will reach 10billion U$D. Several billion dollars is the funding budget for Agri-Business, favouring indoor cultivation projects, especially Vertical Farms.

However, the existing indoor farming concepts are not able to solve the challenges required for sustainability. Capex and Opex costs are too high in relation to the opportunities for generating revenues.
The sustainability of the projects will lead to a considerable reduction in infrastructural investments (LED installations and nutrients), and a reduction in energy consumption and labour costs for running the farms.

And no dominant production standard has yet been established.


Our produce comes from growing processes that have a positive impact not only on our health, but also on the health of the World around us.

This is not a dream.

Thomas AMBROSI's speech at
TEDx Cortina (Italy)

If you manage to detect the emergency in time, there’s always a world of brilliant solutions to cope with it.
The moment you find a solution, an idea or an innovation, the knowledge and especially the awareness of the whole human race makes a leap forward.

The only way to predict the future is to invent it today; change is essential and emergencies must be tackled now, knowing that they don’t wait for us and they just turn up without warning.

While I was working on my industrial projects and patents I came across vertical farming, an intensive indoor farming system which has become very trendy but isn’t really sustainable yet. I found it Jurassic in its inefficiency and in the way it’s thought out.

Together with a group of geeks, entrepreneurs and far-sighted investors we’ve re-written the basic rules.

We think that mathematics, the language that unites us with nature, should be used to talk to nature.
We’ve decided to closely observe nature with the eyes of technology, applying sensors and artificial intelligence. The key element is new to the cultivation process and it includes exponential mathematics and numerical schemes.

The cultivation recipes optimised by mathematics and artificial intelligence will be distributed via cloud to all users of the system so that anyone can benefit from the discoveries that come from sharing knowledge.

With applied mathematics we increase productivity and drastically reduce energy and water consumption while respecting the biological growth process of the plants and, before long, insects and algae too.

Why the snake? Discover the full story here.

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